Orchid Connect

Monitoring Performance With Real-Time Analytics

Using real-time analytics from Salesforce to monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) offers several advantages for making timely and informed decisions. Here’s how you can effectively utilize this capability: Set Up Dashboards Build dashboards that update in real-time to reflect...

Making Informed Decisions Based On Salesforce Data

To make informed decisions using Salesforce data, leverage the following best practices: Comprehensive Reporting Create detailed reports to analyze specific aspects of your business. Use filters and groupings to focus on relevant data. Leverage built-in reports to quickly access...

How to Generate Reports For Organizational Needs

Salesforce provides powerful tools to generate comprehensive reports for various organizational needs, enabling efficient data analysis and informed decision-making. Here’s a brief overview of how to use Salesforce for this purpose: Report Creation with Report Builder Create custom reports...

Collect and Analyze Member Satisfaction Data

Collecting and analyzing member satisfaction data through Salesforce is crucial for improving services and enhancing member experiences. Here’s a step-by-step guide to achieving this: Implement Surveys and Feedback Mechanisms Use Salesforce Surveys to create custom surveys. You can send...

5 Ways to Manage Support Tickets

Here are five ways to manage support tickets and inquiries through Salesforce: Case Management Salesforce’s Case Management system is designed to handle support tickets efficiently. Each inquiry or issue is logged as a “case,” which can be tracked from...

Analyze Performance Metrics Using Salesforce

Analyzing the performance of marketing and communication efforts using Salesforce involves using its reporting, analytics, and integration capabilities. Here are three effective ways to utilize Salesforce for this purpose: Campaign Performance Analytics Salesforce provides powerful reporting tools that allow...

3 Ways to Manage and Analyze Member Feedback

Managing and analyzing member feedback and surveys through Salesforce can streamline processes and provide valuable insights. Here are three effective ways to achieve this: Salesforce Surveys: Use Salesforce Surveys to design and distribute customized surveys tailored to gather member...