12 Mistakes SMBs Make When Implementing Salesforce

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Tanya Renne
May 13, 2024
Service Offerings
Managed Services
Sales and Service Cloud
12 Mistakes SMBs Make When Implementing Salesforce
Here are 12 common mistakes that small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) should be aware of and avoid during Salesforce implementation!

Implementing Salesforce for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) can be a transformative process, but it's not without its challenges. Here are 12 common mistakes that SMBs should be aware of and avoid during Salesforce implementation:

Insufficient Planning

Mistake: Rushing into implementation without a comprehensive plan.Solution: Take the time to thoroughly plan the implementation, considering current processes, future goals, and involving key stakeholders.

Lack of User Training

SMB mistakes

Mistake: Neglecting user training, leading to low adoption rates.Solution: Invest in training programs to ensure that all users, from administrators to end-users, are well-versed in Salesforce functionalities.

Ignoring Data Quality

Mistake: Migrating inaccurate or incomplete data into Salesforce.Solution: Cleanse and organize existing data before migration to maintain data integrity and prevent issues down the line.

Overlooking Customization Needs

Mistake: Implementing a generic solution without customization for specific business needs.Solution: Tailor Salesforce to align with unique SMB processes, ensuring optimal functionality and user satisfaction.

Neglecting Mobile Accessibility

Mistake: Overlooking the importance of mobile access for on-the-go users.Solution: Ensure that Salesforce is optimized for mobile devices to support field teams and users who require remote access.

Inadequate Integration

Mistake: Failing to integrate Salesforce with other essential business systems.Solution: Integrate Salesforce with existing tools, such as accounting or marketing platforms, to ensure seamless data flow and a unified business ecosystem.

Underestimating Change Management

Mistake: Neglecting the impact of change on employees.Solution: Implement change management strategies, communicate effectively, and involve employees in the transition to ensure smooth adoption.

Too Much Complexity Initially

Mistake: Implementing overly complex features that may overwhelm users.Solution: Start with essential functionalities and gradually introduce more advanced features as users become comfortable with the platform.

Ignoring Security Measures

Mistake: Neglecting to prioritize data security.Solution: Implement robust security measures, including user permissions, encryption, and regular security audits, to protect sensitive information.

Ignoring User Feedback

Mistake: Failing to gather and act upon user feedback.Solution: Establish mechanisms for continuous feedback and improvement, ensuring that Salesforce aligns with evolving business needs.

Not Scaling Appropriately

Mistake: Overlooking scalability needs as the business

SMB mistakes

grows.Solution: Design the implementation with scalability in mind, ensuring that Salesforce can accommodate increasing data volumes and user numbers.

Inadequate Post-Implementation Support

Mistake: Assuming the work is done after implementation.Solution: Provide ongoing support, address user concerns, and stay updated on new Salesforce features to maximize the platform's benefits over time.Avoiding these common pitfalls can contribute to a successful Salesforce implementation for SMBs, leading to improved efficiency, enhanced collaboration, and sustainable growth.

Orchid Connect is a woman-owned Salesforce implementation firm with 30 years of experience serving associations, non-profits and small/medium businesses. We specialize in strategic and implementation services, go-to-market support, and ongoing support. To learn more, reach us at reachout@orchidconnect.com.

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