Engage With Event Attendees: Before, During, and After

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Tanya Renne
July 17, 2024
Field Service Cloud
Service Offerings
Sales and Service Cloud
Engage With Event Attendees: Before, During, and After
Maximize attendee engagement with Salesforce: Learn how to effectively communicate before, during, and after events.

Engaging with event attendees before, during, and after events using Salesforce involves using its features for communication, automation, and data management. Here’s a comprehensive approach:

Before the Event

  1. Pre-Event Communication:
    • Use Salesforce Marketing Cloud or Pardot to create targeted email campaigns inviting attendees to the event.
    • Customize messages based on attendee data stored in Salesforce (e.g., name, company, interests).
    • Set up automated email reminders using Salesforce Workflow Rules or Process Builder to remind attendees about event details, agenda, and logistics.
  2. Registration Management:
    • Create a Salesforce Campaign for the event and manage attendee registrations as Campaign Members.
    • Utilize custom objects in Salesforce to track detailed registration information, such as session preferences, dietary requirements, or special requests.

During the Event

  1. Attendee Check-In and Engagement:
    • Use Salesforce mobile apps or integrated event management apps for on-site attendee check-in.
    • Utilize Salesforce Events or custom objects to manage session attendance and track participant engagement during different sessions or workshops.
  2. Real-Time Interaction:
    • Use Salesforce Chatter or Salesforce Communities for real-time interaction among attendees, speakers, and organizers.
    • Capture real-time feedback using Salesforce Surveys or custom forms to gather attendee insights and satisfaction levels during the event.

After the Event

engage with attendees
  1. Post-Event Follow-Up:
    • Automatically send thank-you emails and surveys to attendees using Salesforce Campaigns or Workflow Rules.
    • Assign follow-up tasks to sales or support teams based on attendee interactions and interests captured during the event.
  2. Analytics and Reporting:
    • Use Salesforce Reports and Dashboards to analyze event performance metrics such as attendance rates, session popularity, attendee feedback, and ROI.
    • Calculate the return on investment (ROI) of the event by analyzing lead conversions, new opportunities generated, or attendee engagement metrics.
  3. Nurture Relationships:
    • Continue nurturing leads and relationships with attendees post-event using Salesforce Sales Cloud or Marketing Cloud.
    • Segment attendees based on their interaction levels and preferences captured during the event for personalized follow-ups and future communications.
Orchid Connect is a woman-owned Salesforce implementation firm with 30 years of experience serving associations, non-profits and small/medium businesses. We specialize in strategic and implementation services, go-to-market support, and ongoing support. To learn more, reach us at reachout@orchidconnect.com.

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