Orchid Connect

Pros and Cons: Managed Services VS In-House Talent VS Hybrid

You did the work to find a system, lived through the implementation and now you’ve got to figure out how to maintain it. As someone once told me – it’s all well and good to find the money to buy a Giraffe – but now you have to feed it. Let’s consider the pros and cons of Managed Services, In-House Talent and a Hybrid approach to maintaining technical operations.  

Managed Services

  1. Cost Savings
    • Pro: Managed services often offer cost savings as they operate on a subscription or pay-as-you-go model, reducing upfront capital expenses.
    • Con: The cost can accumulate over time, and unexpected charges may arise.
  2. Access to Specialized Skills:
    • Pro: Provides access to a diverse range of specialized skills and expertise.
    • Con: Dependency on external expertise, which may not fully understand the intricacies of your business.
  3. Scalability:
    • Pro: Easily scalable, allowing you to adjust resources based on business needs.managed services
    • Con: Potential challenges in aligning with the specific nuances of your organization’s processes and requirements.
  4. Focus on Core Business:
    • Pro: Allows your internal team to focus on core business functions while outsourcing non-core activities.
    • Con: Dependency on external entities for critical business functions.
  5. 24/7 Support:
    • Pro: Many managed service providers offer continuous support and monitoring.
    • Con: Lack of immediate on-site support, which may be crucial for some organizations.

In-House Talent

  1. Cultural Alignment:
    • Pro: In-house teams typically have a better understanding of the company culture, goals, and internal processes.
    • Con: May lead to insular thinking and limited exposure to external best practices.
  2. Immediate Access:
    • Pro: Enables face-to-face collaboration, quick response to urgent needs, and better communication.
    • Con: Higher operational costs, including salaries, benefits, and infrastructure.
  3. Control and Customization:
    • Pro: Direct control over hiring, training, and management, allowing for customization.
    • Con: Limited access to specialized skills and potential challenges in recruiting and retaining top talent.
  4. Security:
    • Pro: Enhanced control over data security and compliance.
    • Con: The need for significant investment in cybersecurity measures and expertise.
  5. Integrated Team Dynamics:
    • Pro: In-house teams can develop strong team dynamics and a shared sense of mission.
    • Con: Limited exposure to external perspectives and potential for groupthink.

Hybrid Approach

  1. Flexibility:
    • Pro: Provides the flexibility to leverage both in-house and external expertise based on specific needs.
    • Con: Requires effective management to ensure seamless collaboration between internal and external teams.
  2. Cost Optimization:
    • Pro: Optimizes costs by strategically outsourcing non-core functions while maintaining control over critical processes.
    • Con: Complexity in managing a dual structure, and potential for communication gaps.
  3. Scalability and Specialization:
    • Pro: Combines the scalability of managed services with the internal expertise of in-house teams.
    • Con: Requires careful coordination to align external and internal efforts effectively.
  4. Risk Mitigation:
    • Pro: Reduces the risk of being entirely dependent on one model, offering a backup if one side faces challenges.
    • Con: Requires a sophisticated governance structure to manage the hybrid model effectively.
  5. Access to Innovation:
    • Pro: Can bring in external innovation and best practices while maintaining the stability of internal processes.
    • Con: Potential resistance to change within the organization.

Choosing between these models depends on the unique requirements, budget, and strategic goals of your organization. Many businesses find that a hybrid approach allows them to balance flexibility, control, and cost-effectiveness effectively. Regular assessments and adjustments are often necessary to optimize the chosen model over time.

Orchid Connect is a woman-owned Salesforce implementation firm with 30 years of experience serving associations, non-profits and small/medium businesses. We specialize in strategic and implementation services, go-to-market support, and ongoing support. To learn more, reach us at reachout@orchidconnect.com.