Orchid Connect

10-point Checklist to Support Adoption of a New System

Clearly Define Objectives:

  • Example 1: Clearly communicate that the new [system/process] aims to streamline communication, improve customer interactions, and increase sales efficiency…
  • Example 2: Outline specific objectives for a new [system/process]. Emphasize its role in enhancing collaboration, tracking project progress, and reducing time spent on administrative tasks…

User-Friendly Interface:

  • Example 1: Choose a [system/process] with a simple and intuitive dashboard and simplify task management and enhance user experience…
  • Example 2: Select a user-friendly [system/process] that provides an easy interface for employees to access their payment history, tax information, and benefits details…

Training Programs:

  • Example 1: Conduct hands-on workshops to train employees on using the new [system/process], covering features such as screen sharing, breakout rooms, and virtual backgrounds.
  • Example 2: Develop online tutorials and documentation for a new [system/process], ensuring that employees have access to self-paced learning resources.

Engage Early Adopters:

  • Example 1: Identify and involve tech-savvy employees in the early stages of implementing a new [system/process]. Additionally, allow them to share positive experiences and best practices with their peers…
  • Example 2: Encourage department leaders to be early adopters of a new [system/process], showcasing their support and positive experiences to the rest of the team.

Address Concerns:

  • Example 1: Set up a feedback mechanism for employees to voice concerns about a new [system/process]. Promptly address common issues through training sessions or system updates.
  • Example 2: Host a Q&A session to address employee concerns about a new [system/process]. Clarify misconceptions and providing additional support where needed.

Communicate Effectively:

  • Example 1: Send regular email updates and conduct town hall meetings to keep employees informed about the progress of implementing a [system/process].
  • Example 2: Utilize internal communication channels, such as Slack or Teams, to share real-time updates and quick tips for using a new [system/process].

Provide Support:

  • Example 1: Establish a dedicated support desk to assist employees with any issues they encounter while transitioning to a new [system/process].
  • Example 2: Develop an online knowledge base with troubleshooting guides and FAQs for a new [system/process], empowering employees to find solutions independently.

Incentives and Recognition:

  • Example 1: Introduce a monthly recognition program where employees who demonstrate exceptional use of a new [system/process] are acknowledged and rewarded.
  • Example 2: Offer small incentives, such as gift cards or extra break time, for employees who actively contribute valuable feedback during the initial implementation of a [system/process].

Pilot Programs:

  • Example 1: Conduct a pilot program for a new [system/process] with a small marketing team. Gather feedback, and make necessary adjustments before rolling it out to the entire department.
  • Example 2: Test a new [system/process] with a select group of representatives to identify and address any issues before implementing it across the entire support team.

Evaluate and Iterate:

  • Example 1: Collect feedback from employees using a new [system/process]. Analyze data on time efficiency, and make iterative improvements based on user suggestions.
  • Example 2: Regularly review the performance metrics of a new [system/process]. Adjust the content and format based on ongoing evaluations and changing training needs.

Adoption of a New System

Orchid Connect is a woman-owned Salesforce implementation firm with 30 years of experience serving associations, non-profits and small/medium businesses. We specialize in strategic and implementation services, go-to-market support, and ongoing support. To learn more, reach us at reachout@orchidconnect.com.