Orchid Connect

Salesforce Customization: Your Association, Your Rules!

Don’t let your CRM hold you back – use Salesforce customization features to dance to your association’s unique beat. It’s like tailoring a suit, but for your data. Be the Boss: With Salesforce customization, you’re the boss of your CRM. Mold it to match your association’s needs, processes, and...

Beyond Sales and Customer Service

Salesforce is a versatile platform that extends well beyond its core sales and customer service offerings. Here are several ways to leverage Salesforce for broader business functions: Marketing Automation Utilize Salesforce Marketing Cloud to automate marketing campaigns, personalize customer interactions, and analyze marketing performance. This extends your capabilities into...

How Tech Selection is Like Dating

Drawing parallels between tech selection and dating can offer a lighthearted and relatable perspective on the process of choosing technology solutions. Here are some amusing and insightful comparisons: Remember, while the comparison between tech selection and dating can be amusing, the decisions involved in both processes are substantial and...

What to Look For: Solution Architect

Selecting a Salesforce Solution Architect is critical for any organization looking to implement or optimize Salesforce solutions. A Solution Architect plays a pivotal role in designing scalable, efficient, and sustainable Salesforce solutions. Here are vital considerations when looking for a Salesforce Solution Architect: By carefully evaluating candidates based on...

5 Ways to Guarantee A Successful Technology Project

To increase the chances of a successful technology project, consider implementing the following five strategies: Clearly Define Project Goals and Objectives Establish clear and measurable goals for your successful technology project. Define what you want to achieve, whether it’s improving efficiency, enhancing customer experience, increasing revenue, or streamlining processes....

6 Ways Associations Can Transform

These are the six ways associations can transform their technology to support their members: Enhanced Member Experience Firstly, technology transformation enables associations to provide a more seamless and personalized experience for their members. By leveraging modern technology solutions, associations can transform by offering self-service options, personalized content and recommendations,...

8 Benefits of Unified Data

Unifying data has the potential to transform organizations in several ways. Here are some key benefits and transformations that can be achieved through the implementation of unified data: Improved Decision-Making Unified data provides a holistic and comprehensive view of the organization’s operations, customers, and market trends. With access to...

8 Common Questions About Experience Cloud

Here are eight common questions about Experience Cloud: What is the difference between Salesforce Experience Cloud and Salesforce Community Cloud? Salesforce Experience Cloud is the rebranded version of Salesforce Community Cloud. The name change reflects a broader vision of creating personalized and engaging customer, partner, and employee experiences. Can...